A Safe Place for Recovering Women
- 5 Bedroom Newly Remodeled Home
- Accommodates 10 Women
- Contracts with MDOC Offender success programs
- No other changes
Members of & inspected by WMARR: West Michigan Association Recovery Residences
Members of NARR: National Association of Recovery Residences
The SOS Approach is Simple
- Honesty about recovery
- Development of insight into life without the use of drugs or alcohol
- Attend substance abuse community programs, IOP and meetings of choice
- Accountability and following through with commitments
- Self-care, including nutrition education and a variety of fitness activities
Admission Criteria
- Self-Pay with possible 2-week funding available for those that qualify.
- $600 month in advance
- Payment arrangements available: pay weekly, $150, bi-weekly, $300, and monthly $600
SOS Offers Residents
- Peer Recovery Coach services with State Certified Recovery Coaches
- Public Transportation
- Coin operated Laundry Services ……. This is the only Change
- Fully furnished, internet access, phone
- All utilities included
- Resources for IDs, SS cards, medical and food assistance
- Life skills workshops
- Multiple pathways to recovery
Residents Responsibility
- Own food and own cooking, can bring in 1 week of food at admit. No gallon jugs, ½ gal please. We shop weekly
- Own toiletries
- Own Laundry soap
- ONLY 10 days worth of clothing, all other will be sent back